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    How to get Rid of Joint Pain | These are some easy solutions to relieve joint pain

    In olden times, with the aging, a person had pain problems in his joints, but in today's time this problem starts hurting at an early age and the main reason behind this is the wrong lifestyle of the person. Although people use medicines to get rid of joint pain, but today we are telling you some easy and home remedies to get rid of this pain.

    Rock salt
    To get rid of muscle and joint pain, bathing with rock salt is a very old recipe. Rock salt, rich in magnesium and sulfate, easily absorbs the skin, relieving you of inflammation, muscle spasms and pain. To get rid of joint pain, add lukewarm water in the bathtub and add two cups of rock salt to it and sit in this water for about 20 minutes. With this you will get relief from joint pain immediately.

    Reduced weight
    Overweight is also a major cause of joint pain. Due to excess weight, the joints and body bone are stressed, due to which they have pain. In such a situation, try to balance your weight. Also, pay attention to your diet so that your body gets adequate nutrition and your body remains disease free. For those who have joint pain, include omega 3 fatty acids, fresh fruits and vegetables and maximum anti-oxidants in your diet.

    The use of heat and cold packs is very effective in relieving the pain of lower back and arthritis. Where the heat relaxes the muscles and removes stiffness. For this, you use a hot water bottle and heat pad.

    Use ice for cold packs. For this, you should put ice in a cloth and place it on the affected area. This will give relief in pain and swelling.

    Exercise is important
    One reason for pain not only in the joints, but also in different parts of the body is the exercise of the person. In fact, when a person does not exercise, his weight increases, as well as many types of diseases catch him when he is not physically active. So not only to get rid of joint pain, but to stay healthy, do some exercise every day.

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