Causes of stomach gas, symptoms and 12 ways to get rid of it

For example, overeating, starving for too long, eating spicy or spicy food, eating food that is hard to digest, not chewing properly, worrying too much, drinking alcohol, stomach due to consumption of certain diseases and medicines. Can contain gas.
Symptoms usually occur when you have stomach gas problems-
1. Loss of appetite
2. Bad breath and bloating in the stomach
3. vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea
4. Flatulence
When you have stomach gas, you feel embarrassed when the above symptoms appear. In such a situation, you will definitely want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. So, let us know the easy home remedies to get rid of the problem of stomach gas:
1. Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda in lemon juice and drink on an empty stomach in the morning.
2. Consumption of black pepper removes the problem of digestion in the stomach.
3. You can also drink black pepper mixed with milk.
4. Drinking black salt and celery in buttermilk also gives a lot of benefit in gas problem.
5. Boil cinnamon in water, cool it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Honey can be drunk by adding to it.
6. Garlic also relieves gas problem. Boiling garlic with cumin seeds, coriander and drinking its decoction is quite beneficial. It can be drunk 2 times a day.
7. Consuming cardamom two to three times a day helps in digestion and does not allow gas problems.
8. Chewing a piece of ginger daily also provides benefit in stomach gas.
9. Drinking boiled mint leaves provides relief from gas.
10. Consuming coconut water daily is a beneficial treatment for gas.
11. Besides this, drinking apple vinegar mixed with hot water will be beneficial.
12. Apart from all these treatments, fasting one day a week also keeps the stomach clean and does not cause gas problems.
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